Wednesday, April 29, 2020


1308) Which of the following statements regarding Z-plasty for nasal vestibular stenosis is FALSE?

A. It is used for nasal vestibular stenosis (Alar Subunit)
B. It is used also for scarring related to sill or columella
C. Two triangular flaps are transposed around the involved nasal ala.
D. Alternative techniques are local flaps, composite flaps or cartilage grafts
E. The use of a stent is not mandatory.


Choudhury N., Hariri A., Saleh H.: Z-plasty of the Alar Subunit to Correct Nasal Vestibular Stenosis, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2014, 150(4), 703-706

1308) B    It is used also for scarring related to the sill and columella.

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